A S Wilcox & Sons Ltd

Date: 2015

Business: A S Wilcox & Sons Ltd

Location: New Zealand


Founded in 1954 and now comprising five sites around New Zealand, A S Wilcox & Sons Ltd is an integral part of the nation’s agricultural industry. Wyma’s relationship with the team at Wilcox stretches back to the earliest days of the Vege-Polisher™, a testament to the value of strong relationships in the vegetable processing sector.

Known for producing some of New Zealand’s best potatoes, carrots and onions, the family-owned and operated company knows the value of robust and reliable post-harvest equipment. With lines running six days a week, 10 hours a day almost year-round, having the confidence in Wyma’s equipment is a huge plus for Wilcox.

We spoke with Wyma about our requirements and the demands that we had, and found them very easy to work with, supportive and had a really good understanding of what our business dynamic was and what we needed,” says Mark Sade, Engineering Manager at A S Wilcox & Sons Ltd.

The willingness to work with us as a supportive company to develop our own business dream was really attractive to us. They were willing to go that little bit extra.”

Wilcox’s potato wash line includes a range of Wyma equipment:

Having such an enduring relationship has allowed for fantastic collaboration over the years, helping Wilcox to get the best from every harvest while informing Wyma’s product development.

The development and research that Wyma has put into developing that equipment has only strengthened our relationship overall,” says Mark.

“We’ve found that the Wyma gear has exceeded what our expectations were. The cost of asset versus the purchase price is extremely good.”


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