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Medium Carrot Line – Capacity and cooling

Carrot Line

Line Description

This 20-ton per hour carrot line is able to receive from different-sized bins. Produce enters the line from large 4-ton bins via the Mega-Tip Rotary Bin Tipper and 1-ton bins via the Electric Bin Tipper. In this example both are manually loaded by forklift. The carrots are gently received into the Wet Hopper and then soaked. From here they are elevated to the Hedgehog Top remover and are de-stoned. A short flume section carries the produce directly into a Mega-Polisher where they are then polished. Cooling occurs via a Hydro-cooler unit before the carrots are inspected for quality and sized. From here two options are available for the produce: sized carrots may be conveyed directly to Vertical Bin and Bag Fillers, for dry storage, or Wet Bunkers can receive the sized produce for short-term storage prior to commercial packaging by way of an integrated Weigher, Bagging and Palletising system.

A line configuration such as this would suit a medium-sized packhouse where capacity, cooling and automation are important. To learn more about the various machines used in this line please follow the links below. To learn more about this line, or how Wyma may be able to assist you with your post-harvest needs, please contact your regional Wyma representative.

Small Carrot Line


Large Carrot Line



Processing 70,000 tons of carrots per year, including 20,000 tons in a specialized organic processing plant, Abenhardt is one of the largest carrot packhouses in Germany. The family business dates back to the 16th century, but has specialized in cultivating and processing carrots since 1950. In the Datteln region, carrots are harvested between June and December, with storage carrots processed between January and May. Contractors Europe-wide also supply carrots to Abenhardt to meet quantity requirements and ensure year-round supply.

Two Wyma lines run parallel to each other. To begin, Hedgehogs remove carrot tops, leaves and soil. Carrots are gently flumed to the two Barrel Washers for an immersed wash in a rotary perforated drum. The two Mega-Polishers follow, and polish the carrots to the highest quality. The carrots then move on to the grading area of the pack-house, where two Lift Roller Sizers accurately separate them into consistent sizes. “Our customers praise the appearance of the carrots with the Mega-Polisher™, as well as the consistent sizing results. There is no damage to produce and we believe we have also increased shelf-life since the line upgrade”. The line is also equipped with a Wyma Rotary Filter Screen which removes organic matters from the water used in the Mega-Polisher™. Mr. Abenhardt says that this recycling system contributes to the reliable operations of the Mega-Polishers.

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  • 10 major things to consider before choosing a solution provider
  • 15 key questions to determine your requirements and specifications
  • How to develop a business case for investing in a new line
  • Total cost of ownership and setting a realistic budget for now and the future
  • Factors that will impact quality and efficiency

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