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Small Carrot Line – Flexibility and performance


Line Description

Smaller post-harvest processing operations need flexibility and performance. This example of a 5-ton per hour carrot wash line offers just that. Produce can be received onto an Elevator or via a Manual Bin Tipper into a Wet Hopper (a 2-ton capacity hopper is shown here). After an initial soak, produce is lifted out of the hopper and fed onto a Hedgehog Top Remover. This specialised machine efficiently separates produce from tops and weed. Carrots are then transferred into a Vege-Polisher™, via flume or conveyor, for washing and polishing. Wash water is cleaned and filtered by the integrated Polisher Filter, reusing and minimising water consumption. Lastly, produce is visually inspected before being graded mechanically, according to produce diameter. Graded produce is transferred gently to bins for a separate packing process. Alternatively, packing could happen on line immediately after the diameter grader.

This line configuration would ideally suit a smaller scale grower or packer, sourcing produce directly from harvest trucks, sacks or field storage bins. To learn more about the various machines used in this line please follow the links below. To learn more about this line, or how Wyma may be able to assist you with your post-harvest needs, please contact your regional Wyma representative.

Medium Carrot Line


Large Carrot Line


Lynchris Farm

The Crozier family has been supplying carrots, potatoes and onions to domestic and export markets for three generations. Their 400-hectare Lynchris Farm is situated in Leeston, just south of Christchurch on New Zealand’s South Island, where it makes the most of the alluvial soils and warm Canterbury summers.

A mixed cropping farm supplying a single packhouse presented Wyma with a number of challenges, including the ability to switch the wash and pack-line seamlessly from carrots to potatoes. This was achieved through a multi-produce design philosophy from the start, and some clever use of flumes and by-pass systems.

“We chose Wyma as we knew their reputation, they were local, and also felt they were potentially world-leading in their approach and technology,” says Glen Crozier, Director of Lynchris Farms.

A strong desire from the Croziers to achieve the best possible outcome for the end product saw the development of Wyma’s first series configuration of V4 Vege-Polishers™

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Considering a post-harvest line investment?

Download our quick start guide to help you understand the process so you can find the perfect solution for your business.

Download the guide using the button below to learn:

  • 10 major things to consider before choosing a solution provider
  • 15 key questions to determine your requirements and specifications
  • How to develop a business case for investing in a new line
  • Total cost of ownership and setting a realistic budget for now and the future
  • Factors that will impact quality and efficiency

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