Truck Washout System
Wyma’s Truck Washout System gently unloads produce from trucks. It also washes off most of the soil.

Our Truck Washout System gently unloads produce while washing off most of the soil. It is low maintenance and easy to use. It has four main parts:
1 Truck positioning: Sensors detect truck position and a light shows the driver when to stop.
2 Wash booms: Two remotely controlled booms with high volume water streams are positioned at chosen angles. Booms gradually move from the outfeed, sweeping side to side to clear produce from the truck.
3 Reception tray: The tray moves hydraulically in two directions so it can match each individual truck. It then channels produce to the Dewatering Conveyor.
4 Dewatering Conveyor, deluge wash bars and tray: The conveyor has a web belt so water can fall through. Deluge bars spray water before the next stage in the line (usually Wet Hoppers). The tray collects wash water and deluge water for reuse and dirt separation).
- Easy-to-use truck positioning system
- Reception tray adjustments in two directions for optimal truck matching
- High volume water stream from two remote controlled wash booms
- Minimal maintenance
- Simple to operate