Soft Carton Filler
The Soft Carton Filler automatically fills cartons or crates with produce using a gentle letdown bucket

This equipment is available exclusively through Wyma Solutions in New Zealand and Australia.

General Information:
The Soft Carton Filler is typically used with onions, potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, apples, pears, citrus or garlic.
Produce is supplied by a weighing and portioning system to the machine, which releases product into the filling head. This head is lowered down into empty cartons to minimise product drop, then the head jaws open to gently release product into the carton.

- Suitable for weight ranges of 5 to 25 kg
- Throughputs of up to 16 units per minute
- Touchscreen HMI for simple control and setup
- Suitable for cartons, crates and boxes
- Low drop intermediate bucket for gentle handling
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